Machado Elementary School

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Mrs. Vicki Brands » Homework


Homework Folders
Every student will be given a homework folder at the end of August. This folder is to be brought to and from school every day. Inside this folder, you will find: a weekly homework packet, your child's updated sight word list, important papers that need to go home, that day's classwork if it is corrected, and various reference page that will help your child with their homework. 
Homework packets are due on Fridays, but should be kept in your child's homework folder at all times to prevent losing it. Homework packets cannot be replaced. Each week, students will have a small amount of spelling work, language arts practice, and math practice. This is meant to be a review and will not be something new to your child. If you would like to supervise your child while they work on this, you can, but it should be work they can do independently.
Additional Practice
There is a minimal amount of written homework given each week, however, for 1st graders, it is very important to practice reading every day! Please make sure your child is reading on a daily basis; they can read on their own or read with a sibling or parent. 
In addition to reading, students also need to be practicing their sight words and their basic math facts (addition and subtraction facts to 20). Sight word lists can be found in your student's homework folder or here on my website under the "Reading" tab.